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"EUTIERRIA” Who is she? Yet in this world we co- exist as 'We'. Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, she offers herself to your imagination only. She is bigger, greater and most alluringly powerful. No matter what harm she endures she bounces back even more eternal. We destroy her and abuse her because she lets us. When she fights back she leaves us in a messy fuss. She is the great 'Mother Nature' and when you and I learn to be one with her. She 'll love us and share her bounty like no other. Her abundant beauty and power has no equal Her strength and existence is our survival. In the end for us to survive, the potion of mutual care and love is the secret for us to thrive. - Prinkle Mehta Strong bold colours to define the strength of how larger than life Mother nature is. Inspired by how we humans were affected by the pandemic and how this was the very moment that Mother nature got time to breathe and flourish. Brush strokes using Acrylic on canvas