Time is changing very fast every moment, changing our environment, our culture, our living status, everything as it passes. In this Universe of ours thousands of layers of colours are surrounding us. It is not possible to identify each one of them but we can definitely try to visualize them. Good and bad things have always surrounded us since time in memorial.I spent my childhood in an interior village. I grew up in an unspoilt charm of pristine beauty of nature in our village which I can sense every moment; the emotions, the dreams, the hopes , the pain , the joy associated with it. This painting reflects as a Social reformation,we are surviving for existance, Existance needs demands. everyday we are fighting for survive.but demands are changing time to time. However, these aesthetic feelings are being transformed continuously into a modern identity devoid of all such subtleties and sensuousness. A Human Style that was elegant yet so simple is disappearing graduallly and perhaps this is what happens when you form a disproportionate mix of all the natural elements. Thats why I tried to capture glimpses from my multiple real and imaginative experiences and portrayed these through my medium. I earnestly tried to symbolise a form of realistic surrealism catching the real and imaginative expression of human mind and environmental beauty through my Paintings.