"YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL " - "YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL " Don't tell me I am beautiful. Words cannt explain the inner beauty.. Give me something with depth.tell me that I am intelligent, courageous, spontaneous. Tell me when I laugh the whole world smiles. Remind me that my hands have nurtured many lives on this earth. Made this earth little more beautiful with my creativity. Tell me that creativity flows through my mind and heart. Don't draw lines around me, dont tell me what where and how to do things.dont tell me my do's and don'ts .l know where to draw my lines or whether to draw it or not.dont tell me I am beautiful. I am deep like ocean, there are parts of me you have never seen.l am inner space. Infinite. I am not simply beautiful. "I AM MASTER PIECE " "I AM WOMEN" Jayshree Goradia.